Monday 24 February 2014

Day 4 : Nazareth Biblical Village

I was looking forward to arrive at this place because it was lunch time and we were told that we will be served a Biblical Passover meal. When we arrived, I was pleasantly surprised to be greeted by people who were dressed in Jesus' day.

After lunch we were taken on a very informative tour of the Village, starting with the mini museum showcasing the time into which Jesus was born.
After the morbid details of the execution process during the times of Jesus, we were led to the outdoors for some fresh air (literally). It was so nice to see wild flowers growing the the ground and plants were blooming with different coloured flowers.

As we were all happily soaking in the beautiful surrounding, we were told to stop to look at a hole in the ground. Listen to the audio if you want to learn more about the Jewish Tomb.

I wonder if you will still love your glass of wine after you find out how the wine was made?

For those of you who love a healthy diet of salad and pasta, you need to learn how the most important oil is made. This video gives you an idea of how OLIVE OIL is produced - The Traditional way.

Want to know more about Jesus' job?

Our final excursion was to a model Synagogue. I found out that the Synagogue is a meeting place like our Community Hall and not a place of worship as I always thought it is.

Oh! Look what we found on the Donors' Plaque Corner. Some generous person / s had donated on behalf of SIB PJ. Our Pastors' are so happy and proud.

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