Saturday 22 February 2014

Day 2 : Wadi Rum, Jordan

Our first stop in Jordan would be to Wadi Rum, Wadi meaning valley and Rum is the name of the place. As the bus drove along the way, all we could see was brown earth on both sides of the road. As the tour guide was telling us about the place and "who and who" in the Bible walked here before, I just cannot imagine myself doing it. It was so dry and dusty every where.

My thoughts went to the Israelites who had to "wander" around under this condition for 40 years. I cannot blame them for complaining. This is hard ground.

This video is a compilation of photos of the desert and the voice of the tour guide 
giving us information about the land.

This is a video of our Hotel room in Jabal Rum Camp. I would rate this place as
one not to be missed.

Here is a compilation of my personal photos at Wadi Rum. 
This video contains photos of the Jeep Ride in the desert.

This video contains photos of my stay at Jabal Rum Camp

Although I would recommend Wadi Rum as a "must stay" experience but I would not do it twice. It is one of those "once is enough" kind of experience.

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