Friday 21 February 2014

Day 1 : My Pilgrimage to the Holy Land

On the 21st February 2014, my husband and I went on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land of Israel.

We were supposed to assemble in KLIA at 7:30pm to check in but as usual, we arrived late at 8pm due to the massive jam along the NKVE. Can you imagine half an hour late and we were the last to arrive for our group. It looks like these SIB-ians are all clock watchers (like me). Anyway, we checked in and I was looking forward to our first flight alone without the girls after 21 years.

What do I mean by that?

You see, my husband has a mandate that we (husband & wife) cannot travel together on the plane without our 2 girls. So for the past 21 years we were either on the plane as a family or 1 parent with the girls. Never 2 parents travelling together. I personally cannot see the logic in this but he has his reasons. Maybe I shall elaborate more in another post.

My highly anticipated plane ride was soon to be torn apart by the aisle. Why? O why are we sitting so near yet so far?

I remembered my Pastor's pre-pilgrimage message. He said, "We are on a Pilgrimage to the Holy Land and not on a Tour". So I searched for a spiritual answer to this disappointment. Then I saw the light.

This is a spiritual journey and I have to take this journey alone. I must start this journey to seek God by myself and  to receive answers to my life's questions personally.

Queen Alia Airport
Coming back to my journey. We left KLIA by Jordan Air to Bangkok for1 hour transit. We were not allowed to leave the plane so the 80 pilgrims from SIB mingled around talking about everything that came to mind to pass time. To me they should have allowed us to leave the plane as we were actually sitting in the plane obstructing the cleaners do their job. Maybe the airline did not expect 80 people on board to know each other and would be walking about and chatting with each other across the aisles. The stewardess had to constantly make the announcement calling for us to go back to our seats.

From Bangkok, it was another 8 hours flight to Queen Alia International Airport,  Amman, Jordan.

Read on to follow me on my journey to the Holy Land. 

Oh I bought this book titled The Holy Land, published by Palphot. I will be showing you scanned pages of the book to give you an introduction to the many places that I had visited.  


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